Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Failure, The Unusual, and The Practical

The Failure

I absolutely failed at keeping up with my blog. I didn't even make it past the first entry. Anyway it's my first blog failure. Hype-to-failure behavior is my thing. There's no success like failure and failure is no success at all. Alright, Bob. I'll start again.

The Unusual

My nightmares are more and more frequent. However, last night's dream was my own last supper and my bittersweet ending. Someone was coming after me and I knew I was probably going to die soon, but unlike my other dreams where I'm running for what seems like endless days and nights I had gotten together with all my friends from high school and Bobby and we were sitting at a big table eating dinner together one last time. Old friends, best friends, friends who I could never be friends with again where all there. Seems like I've assumed a "fuck it" attitude even in my nightmares.

The Practical

Starting to decide what I should do after I graduate. Maybe I'll work. Maybe I'll go to graduate school. It all seems secure. It all seems pretty practical. But I've never been practical. I hate practicality. At what lengths will I avoid it? At what lengths should I avoid it? In all practicality, I'm just wondering if I have the capability.


Rach said...

I have been having nightmares too! They really suck. But my nightmares have been about my actual real/boring life so its hard to tell they are dreams while in them.

My old room would be better described as Ted Bundy's closet. Lol.

Edmarc said...

Yes, you do fail at updating your blog. Please continue. Bring it back.

Also, I want to know... was I at this supper? The fact that I may have existed within the parameters of your nightmares may have led me to experience that nightmare I had a few days ago. Just theorizing.

David said...

I hate practicality as well. Practicality as a virtue is a concept invented by boring, left-brain dominant drones trying to paint their devotion to the mundane as an asset, as opposed to what it is, a complete lack of imagination and creativity and absolute and unquestioning acceptance of the values of the establishment. Just my two cents. =) Teenage angst is the bomb, isn't it? lol